Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Resep Roti Keju

Resep Roti Keju

Resep Roti Keju
Bahan resep roti:
100 gr tepung terigu
100 gr margarin
75 gr gula halus
3 bh telur ayam
1 sdt garam halus
1 ½ dl susu encer
150 gr keju parut ( untuk isi )
50 gr margarin ( untuk isi )

Resep cara membuat resep roti: Bahan dan cara membuat biang roti seperti untuk resep roti tawar. Tepung terigu dicampur dengan semua bahan kecuali margarin, lalu diuli sampai menjadi satu adonan yang licin. Biang roti dimasukkan dan diuli sampai halus dan tidak lengket pada tangan. Margarin dimasukkan dan diuli selama 20 menit sampai tidak lengket pada tangan ( menguli diatas meja atau papan yang telah ditaburi dengan tepung terigu ).

Tutup dengan serbet basah lalu biarkan selama 1 jam di panas matahari atau dekat kompor supaya mengembang. Adonan dibagi – bagi menjadi bulatan – bulatan dari 50 gr. Tiap bulatan digiling dan dberi keju yang telah dicampur dengan margarin. Gulung kembali dan letakkan diatas loyang yang telah diolesi dengan margarin. Biarkan mengembang selama 30 menit lalu Bakar dalam oven panas selama 30 menit sampai matang dan berwarna kuning tua.

Sesudah matang bagian atas roti dioles dengan margarin supaya mengkilat. Selain muisjes sebagai isi, dapat juga dipakai daging korned ( corned beef ), selai nenas atau buah pisang.


How About Toffee Crunch Flavored Gift Baskets of Popcorn?

Who doesn t love popcorn? Of course, we don t love the part where the popcorn hull sticks between our teeth, but mmm, the rest is great! Have you considered giving gift baskets with popcorn for your friend or loved one s next special occasion? They work wonderfully as a compliment to a birthday gift, congratulations or graduation, among others.

Gone are the days of simply buttered or plain popcorn. You can now get many different flavors, such as:

- Cheddar - Caramel - Jalapeno - White cheddar - Chocolate - Peanut butter and white chocolate - Toffee crunch

And that s just a few of the flavors we ve found there are quite a few more. And our favorite choice when it comes to popcorn? Popcorn pops - caramel popcorn covered in milk chocolate and drizzled with vanilla icing. They weigh 5.2 ozs! You ll love every bite! If you re not sure what flavor to get, send a sampler and then when the next special occasion comes around, you ll know your friend s favorite flavor. You can even get refills to send since they already have the tin or basket, which means more delicious popcorn for them to enjoy. Make sure to visit our Salty Gifts page (http://www.gourmet-food-gifts.com/salty-gifts.htm) for more information and the links to the stores whose products we re mentioning. Happy shopping! ***

by Tara Pearce
About the author: Tara Pearce is the webmaster and author of all content at http://www.gourmet-food-gifts.com/gift-baskets-with-popcorn.htm If you need a great gift that anyone would love, visit our site for some of the yummiest treats you'll ever find!


Strawberry Jammed Out

Latest news from the strawberry jam front - the tide of strawberries is advancing, threatening to engulf me in a wave of strawberries waiting to be processed, taking up whole shelves of the fridge, lurking in corners just when I thought I'd done the last batch. Heaving a sigh of relief as the last pot is filled and sealed, I turn around only to find the kitchen table groaning under a fresh sea of newly picked strawberries waiting to be sorted.

There is no more room on the larder shelves for jam - what I've got there already will probably last us a decade at the current rate of consumption, I've used up all the jam jars and am down to oddly shaped mustard jars, coffee jars and outsized sauce jars and there are still a good few weeks of strawberry season to go.

I have to start selling the jam..............memories of a film, where ex-city career woman, moves to country with baby in tow, starts making apple puree baby food and ends up with a full scale business employing half the village, flit through my head. Country baby was her label, with a cute picture of baby, designed to appeal to other city people looking for the good life. Mind you she was a PR person, so had a head start on promoting things and I'm not a business person at all, just someone with too much jam on their hands, larder shelves and everywhere else in the house.

So, I take a stall at the local market and arrive with a basket of jam, a few jars of marmalade for variety, a table and chair. I discover a few things - people smile when they see strawberry jam, people like strawberries, there is a high feel-good factor about them, they conjure up summer and celebration and treats. It's not a hard product to sell, people are predisposed in its favour; the price just has to be not too scary. Some people are more attracted by the pretty fabric covers on the lids and choose one to match their kitchen d cor...I'll have to work on the pretty aspect. No I'm not about to become a strawberry jam millionaire, but I did sell ten jars.

After thinking I'd got the jam consistency sorted, producing reliably runny but not too runny jam, I suddenly turned out several batches that set completely - thick solid stand-up-your-spoon-in jam. Now I know it's all about pectin and how much there is in the fruit, but why now? I did leave it soaking in the sugar longer because I didn't get round to cooking it till the afternoon, but does that do anything to pectin levels?

Anyway, I now have two varieties of strawberry jam - thick and runny, both have a good flavour - and both sorts have their aficionados. But now the dilemma is, am I able to reproduce the thick jam to order or will it only happen by accident? We're a long way from scientific laboratory controlled conditions here.... a wing and a prayer is more like it. So prayer it'll have to be, if my market customers return demanding thick strawberry jam!***

by Kit Heathcock
About the author: Sometime flower photographer, keen observer of the resonances of life and fulltime mother. Born in the UK but now living on a farm in the southern hemisphere. Contributor to the creation and maintenance of A Flower Gallery one of the homes of chakra flower art.

Label: Resep Roti

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